My Successes & Failures In Home Businesses!

By | March 16, 2012

Today I feel in a really generous mood and am giving away my FREE Report on what it takes to become successful in online marketing and traditional home businesses.

I have been involved in the industry for 10 years now…wow, the time has really flown by and during those years I have seen many ups and downs.Home Businesses

In Jan 2002 I joined a very reputable and awesome mlm business (me in the pic with one of the top leaders) and had an enjoyable time endeavouring to build that business.

Initially it took time to understand and implement just what was needed to make it a success. I was new to online marketing and it was all so different back then…no Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. I had a lot to learn but I was very willing.

I saw people join and move very fast rising up the ladder of success. I thought many times would this happen to me. Fortunately, I had a wonderful sponsor who would say “Kevin, it is a marathon and not a sprint.”

Those were very wise words indeed as I saw people make their businesses a success almost effortlessly and quickly. Their incomes grew dramatically in a very short space of time.

I also realised that as your income grows you have to as well! There is a saying, “the bigger the check, the bigger the headache” and this is very true because as your income grows then undoubtedly more will be required from you.

In my own case, I worked steadily on my first business and by the end of the first year I was making more money than what I was earning previously as a lawyer. Yes, I get asked the question, “how does a lawyer end up working in this industry?” Well, I lost my job through company relocation and it was a big challenge to find suitable employment and so I decided to look for other income opportunities.

What I learned through the mlm business was that to become successful you really had to grow as an individual and work harder on yourself than your business. You see, by working on yourself you are indeed working on your business. The two go hand in hand.

When you have experienced success in these types of businesses you cannot afford to slow down…you have to keep growing them and never become complacent. This is what saw the decline of my first business.

I became too complacent and was receiving very good royalty checks from the company which I thought would go on forever with little further input from me. Big mistake! I learned the hard way that this is definitely not the case. As soon as you take your foot of the pedal and stop building your business then it can only go one way and that is downhill!

In my FREE report, I will show what I learned is an essential skill that is required to make a success of earn money online and traditional home businesses. Please click here to access the FREE report.

I have also written an eBook which documents my experiences in this industry. It is very in-depth and highlights fully my successes and failures.

There are many tips and guidance on what to do when building these types of businesses. This honest review will hopefully show you just what is required to become successful.

Happy reading and to your Success!

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