What’s The Best Affiliate Marketing Program?

By | August 16, 2015

Creating an income online can be rewarding on many levels but what’s the best affiliate marketing program?

There are many affiliate programs online and it can be daunting searching through them all.

In my post I will explain one of the programs I have worked with and give my thoughts on it.

I was searching for an affiliate program to promote for quite some time. I was looking at both low ticket and high ticket affiliate programs.

Both of these types have their pros and cons.

Best Affiliate Marketing Program That Pays Well

Best Affiliate Marketing ProgramLow ticket programs are good if you want to aim for numerous sales as the cost for buying these are relatively cheap so more people are likely to purchase.

The downside with low ticket affiliate programs is that you have to make a huge amount of sales to earn a decent income.

For example, if you get paid $10 commission for each sale then you will have to sell 1000 of these to make a $10,000 income.

Try doing that every month and that would take a lot of hard work.

With a high ticket affiliate program you potentially can earn more money for making less sales.

A high ticket program may make you $1000 commission for each sale so you would just have to make 10 of these to earn $10,000.

Some high ticket programs will earn you $10,000 for each sale so you just need one of these sales.

See the logic here. It does not take to much working out to see that you can earn more for doing less.

However, with high ticket sales you may have to work smarter to get the right buying customer.

You will have to focus your advertising strategy on those people who are willing to invest a substantial amount of money in starting their own online business.

Don’t get me wrong, those high buying customers are out there and if you search diligently you will find them.

Make Money Online With Recurring Income

Another way to make a great income online with affiliate marketing is to chose an affiliate program that pays recurring income.

This means that you don’t just get paid once for the initial sale but you also get paid on a recurring basis.

As an example, let’s say you get a customer who buys an affiliate program from you like a membership site then they will continue to pay you on a weekly or monthly basis for using that site.

Recurring income provides you with the opportunity to create a solid income knowing that from one customer you potentially will continue to be paid.

No.1 Best Affiliate Marketing Program

The best affiliate marketing program in my opinion is with Wealthy Affiliate.

They are an affiliate marketing training platform that also have an affiliate program. You can join Wealthy Affiliates for free by creating a Starter Account.

You have the option to upgrade to Premium membership for $19 for the first month.

You get a 61% discount for doing this and the price the following month is $49 and the same every month thereafter.

If you a Premium member with Wealthy Affiliate and you sign up another Premium member then you get an initial $8 for the first month and $23.50 for the following month.

You continue to get paid $23.50 monthly for every month that the Premium member you signed up continues paying their Premium membership.

There is also an option to upgrade to yearly membership for $359.

If your Premium member upgrades to yearly then you can get paid a $175 commission.

So you can see that you can earn a great income with Wealthy Affiliate and that is why I rate them as the best affiliate marketing program.

Find out more about what they do by reading my Wealthy Affiliate Review!

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