Are you in search of way to make some extra money every month to cover your expenses? Are you a teenager who wants to earn extra pocket money to treat your friends or buy something for yourself.
Then follow these simple 10 methods in which you can make money.
1. Sell artwork
Amateur photographers and artists can sell their work online and make some bucks through Easyart academy. They have to pay some fee for listing their art pieces and you can 20 % commissions on artworks that are sold. The artwork will be on display. You can also find other sites for selling artworks online and they do not charge you any fee too.
2. Design clothes
You can customize t-shirts, sweat shirts etc and sell them on “spreadshirt”. You can do it for free and you do not have to sign a contract for delivering certain number of orders. All you have to do is create your own designs and publicize their work. Set your price for your products.
3. Sell creative work
Sell creative stuff like ebooks, candles, DVDs etc online through “Lulu”. You need not have to pay any amount for setting up your goods on sale or have to make a minimum number of orders. It is your choice to name a price for the goodies and how to finish the product. Lulu will provide you everything required for creating sales globally.
4. Sell photographs
In case you click good photographs, sell them online and make money through sites that pay for photos selling. Whenever the photos are downloaded or they are bought, you get paid. You can submit your photos to iStock, BigSockPhoto, progallery etc.
5. Lose weight and earn money
Yes, it is true, you can lose weight and earn money, if you are overweight. Weight Wins motivates dieters to lose weight and earn cash incentives. This site is supported by the NHS. You need to make payment for joining and monthly subscription and earn amount if you lose weight successfully.
6. Sell goods made at home
If you are good at making stuff like clothing, jewellery, artwork at home then you can make money at websites like Dawand, Etsy etc. you will be charged 20 cents to list your items on etsy and sell them in the market until 4 months. Dawanda does not charge you anything but it charges 5% commission on each item that is sold.
7. Sell hair
If you have long hair and have been wanting to change your hairstyle for quite some time, do not just let the beauty saloon waste your hair. Sell that hair through it is your wish to sell them amount of hair or choose the bidder who will pay you the most. You can receive anywhere between $200 and $2,000.
8. Rent a room
When you live a big house with spare rooms that you do not use, then rent it to those who are ready to pay for the stay. Use the site Crapshadder for the job. It allows you to list your room, with info, photos and rent amount. Those who are interested can book them using the website. Choose to be paid through the site or receive cash when the guest comes.
9. Sell music
If you’re a music composer, then use to sell your composition foe money. If you become a premium member on the site and you can set your own price for the track and upload as many tracks as you want. Membership will cost you 9.97 per month.
10. Write Holiday reviews
Have you been to some interesting place during your vacation, write about it on When the review is read by anybody and they click on the ads on the page, you will receive 50% net revenue.
Find more ways to make money online at directoryready.