
New Years Resolutions 2019 – Be Your Own Boss, Lose Weight, Nah? 

By  Kev

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New Years Resolutions 2019 – You Can Achieve Them, Can’t You?

It’s about this time of year when folks start thinking about those New Years Resolutions 2019 and wonder whether they can stick it out.

Truth be told, it can be easy saying to yourself, and others, what your intentions are going to be but maintaining them takes guts.

Why is it so hard to keep going to the gym or start that new business?

Maybe you are trying to quit smoking and can’t see the wood from the trees.

I made it a personal goal several years ago to start my own online business and it was about this time of year that I got started and was having serious doubts about whether I could make it work.

I also went cold turkey and quit smoking. I also joined that gym and got heaving those dumb bells.

Through steadfast determination I was able to make a success of those new year resolutions 2019 I set.

It was not easy at all. Many times I doubted myself.

New Years Resolutions 2019 Challenges…

New Year's Resolutions post it notesThe challenge for most is that these are goals and usually long term goals.

When you say you are going to make money online with your own Internet business then you can’t set that as a goal for a day, week or month.

In fact, it’s going to take take several years to get it off the ground and scale it.

Same principles apply to losing weight or stopping smoking. It won’t work for a day or a week.

It’s a lifestyle choice which you have to set in place choices for the rest of your life.

Lets take going to the gym. Aim to go at least 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are good days. One day on and one day off.

Getting fit and in shape takes consistency.

You’ll no doubt start seeing your body change over the coming months and years. Once you get that body shape you desire then you have to maintain it.

Getting Your New Years Resolutions 2019 Wrong

Many people go wrong with their new years resolutions 2019 by wanting instant results. We live in a world of instant gratification.

It takes regular focus on working on your goals to make success.

What can help is to set short term and long term goals. Set a daily goal to remind you of your new years resolution 2019.

Starting an online business was possibly the hardest goal to achieve as it really did take working almost everyday on making a success of it.

It was like a roller coaster ride. One minute you are on an emotional high and then next you can come plummeting down to earth. When it’s all going well then that’s great but it’s in the moments when your business takes a nosedive that you really begin to grow.

This can happen constantly, everyday in fact. This is what makes it exciting and what can be better than being your own boss?

I would say that to be your own boss, lose weight, stop smoking are goals well worth aiming for. They’re popular goals and for many once they are achieved they can be heart whelming.

If you have set new year resolutions 2019 then go for it. Don’t get side tracked. Instead put the blinkers on, ignore the distractors and achieve them!

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