
Some Facebook Marketing Tips For Small Businesses! 

By  Kev

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Your business may not have a big marketing budget like some brands such as Nike or Starbucks but nonetheless you can still benefit immensely from marketing on Facebook. The key is to study and implement the marketing strategies of the big brands.

The main aim of Facebook marketing is to connect and engage with your users. The cover photo on your Facebook page is one way to promote your own brand and also is one of the first things that users see when they visit your page. Facebook Marketing Tips

By taking advantage of marketing your message through your cover photo can go a long way to meaningful engagement with people who visit your page.

Another important marketing tactic is to respond to comments on your page. The added benefit of doing this will be that visitors are more likely to engage in conversation with you and come back.

By having a Facebook page will enable you to ask your visitors just what they would like to see featured on your page. They may have questions about specific products or services that require answering and there can be nothing better than responding quickly. It is almost like they are conversing with a shop owner over the counter and this puts the customer at ease knowing there is someone from the company who is “right there” ready and willing to assist.

Lastly, it is well worthwhile including a call to action in your posts. Visitors are much more likely to like, comment, or share when prompted to do so. Of course, in most cases this would need to be done with care and you will have to try different methods to get responses.

Some big brands maybe forthright in some posts and include blatant call to action which can work well. It really depends on the message in the post and is a matter of testing each post to see what works best.


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